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Mental & Emotional Wellness
Sahaja Yoga Meditation can help teens stay balanced, alert, focused and become self-aware. They learn how to meditate and understand the subtle inner workings of their own energy system.
The effortlessness and simplicity of meditation becomes a part of their personality. The disciplining happens naturally to them and they take responsibilities of their own states of mind and awareness.
As a result children learn to handle their problems with ease and innately they develop a deep sense of reverence for goodness, practicality and righteousness. They show bright and positive attitude towards life and learn to channelize their energy in creative works of life.

These children display a great sense of control on their emotions and can very easily work in groups without much effort. It becomes natural for them to care for family and also achieve great heights in any field of interest be it arts or sports or any education. People often find in them a great sense of security with very low level of anxiety or stress.
Some of the most common benefits that one can achieve by this method of meditation are:
Helps reduce Stress & Anxiety
Improves concentration and focus
Better able to balance emotions
Helps feel more secure
Establish self esteem & dignity
Self correcting & team building
Develop better decision making
Teens Can Meditate
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